Do you know that feeling of going through a tough strategy process? Making sure that everyone involved – finally – agrees on the strategy, what needs to be done and how to implement it? That’s the easiest part.
The really hard work starts once the strategy has been formulated. How do you transfer the motivation and excitement to the rest of the organization?
Imagine how much more execution power you can release, when all employees share the same dream. When they know what it requires of them and their daily work to get there. What creates optimal motivation and engagement among employees is understanding where the company is heading and how the company intends to achieve these goals.
Hungry Minds is a management consulting company that pushes strategy to life. We are passionate about communicating strategies that are easy to understand for each and every employee. Our tools include conceptising, creating involvement through learning processes and tools that translate strategy into concrete projects and habits.
Making a successful strategy requires a clear understanding of what it’s all about, involving and training the target group to be equipped for change in a way that’s easy to digest.
Every branch, company and business strategy has different requirements – so don't hesitate to contact us – we can tailor-make the right process and solution that fits your needs.
We must dream big to accomplish big results! Hungry Minds believes that visual stimuli (films, mood boards, dilemma games) are key to understanding the burning platform for change or recognising future potential. Creating a visual guiding star that can lead through change is an effective tool.
Read more about strategic communcation
Involving key stakeholder is essential for success. Stakeholders must be inspired and motived to reach joint goals. Involving them in a workshop to create ideas for implemnetation of strategy is one of Hungry Minds core offerings.
At the current rate of change, do your employess have the competencies required to execute the strategy? Hungry Minds has devised different formats for working with indidualised learning methods that are tailor-made to specific training requirements.
Read more about learning & training
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2840 Holte
+45 30702193
Photos and illustrations by Unsplash, Flaticon and AlphaStateStudio